***Survivor Pool 2024 Week 3 Surviors

Hey Guys,

These are the persons who made it to week 4!

Username Team
Egordonjr Bills
Jerald1 Bills
Capt Mas Seahawks
Luckyu Eagles
Maniacsell Jets
Beanman23 Jets
Averagejoe Jets
Fabdoll Jets
Nyri Barrett Jets
Showtime7 Jets

So what do y’all wanna do keep going or split it up $500 a piece :thinking:

I’ll take the lead to say I’m open to splitting it but you gotta remember, it’s tough to get 10 people to agree on anything, especially gamblers lol :money_mouth_face:


You’re absolutely right,but those that don’t make it past this week are definitely going to regret it🤷🏾‍♂️

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:rofl::sob::rofl: im definitely 1 of those people that wanna keep going but if 9 agree why not

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Im in to split it.

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I would also be in for a split!

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@moderators can we get a legit vote on splitting the prize money or continue the survivor pool

I will split but don’t matter to me

  • Split
  • No Split

0 voters

This kinda of amusing but @Fabdoll asked about splitting this a couple of days ago , and now just a couple of hours before the first game of week 4 we’re getting to vote on a split :joy::joy:
Either way it goes down, best of luck to all of us this week.
GO 49’s​:football::football::football:

Yea because everyone picked their teams now I want it all lil dude😎

I put dat out there 2 days ago don’t play like I didn’t give everybody a chance too split if they wanted too

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Onward we go. My last comment was sarcastically towards the mods. Good luck everyone.
Winner take all😎

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Go big people why not !! Us people that got knocked out wanna see the battle till the end haha

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We need to be voting on a split on Tuesday not Thursday before kickoff of the first game. Lol.

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@moderators can the remaining survivors have poll for splitting Tuesday ahead of time and not Thursday during the final hours thanks