Today I finally had a good hit so for everyone who keep having bad days like I did here you go! Guess my age and a 25$ voucher is yours

We all have been having a rough week so I want to give back


You are 34 years old?

Nope sorry try again

How many guesses does a person get?

39 years ol

2 per person and first person to guess it wins sorry I didn’t put that in the Description

43 years old

Older than 21 and lower than 39 hope that helps

33 years old

34 and 28 :slight_smile:

26 and 27 is my guesses

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24 and 33 are my guesses

Congratulations I’m 27 :tada::tada:

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Sorry 24 and 35 since 33 was taken

@freaksforum congratulations please pm


PM Sent. Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for doing this

Dang it , missed it by one lol

Your very welcome and I hope everyone has a great week and big wins to you all


Did u win over 10k??!

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