Big Win Gallery

@Hmm_123 maybe take a break for a few days. Hope it gets better for you.

Yea you are right I donā€™t play everyday but enough. It kinda not really about that though it more about bovada not spitting out any wins but certain people seem to always hit. Rng is bull and more just aggravation then anything. I mean i hit once in forever about 250$ in bouns round then got disconnected like a bunch of other people and then stright losses after the reconnecting plus I still had spins. I donā€™t play money I donā€™t have but the owner is getting beyond greedy and obviously taking money now to give to the high rollers and newbies. I mean I am in legend status and not asking g to hit everytime but at least enough to withdrawal once in awhile. I really donā€™t think thatā€™s so much to ask for people that are down to loosen up the slots a little especially loyal players.

This is why I wrote in and closed my casino for a bit. Was never paying offā€¦so smart move to close it.

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Lol i did for 6 months because of losses I reoped it about 5 months ago and again nothing but losses still. Again I been here 12 years so I just donā€™t understand whatā€™s going on the wins are so little now and itā€™s been like that forever but then you see these accounts usually the same people hit so I dont know is it fake because the rng for sure not right. Watch there will be a post soon of someone hitting big it seems to happen when I post not to far after.

Yeah, I secretly hoped that when I reopened it they would want me to win! :joy:


@Hmm_123 i understand your frustration because I have totally been there too.
Me personally, i try to set a much lower win minimum so i can at least withdraw.
For example, if i deposit $200, i look to win $50. Trying to win 100% of your deposit or even 50% proves difficult for me, so i set lower limits and with Bovadaā€™s fast withdrawal, i can try winning again later that day.
I have had much better slot and blackjack hits on Bovada than at my local casino 20 min from me where i lost over $1.6 million in 12 years.

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1.6 million? Yikes! You must have a great job!

I agree 100% with what you say and withdrawals little bits at a timeā€¦,wish I did that more!

@Kailuamoku it is hard to have the self-control to withdraw little by little especially when you think this might be the day you go on a run. Itā€™s a daily battle for me too.
I own my own business and was spending about $2,000 a day playing $100 hands and losing badly.

Plus nobody want to withdrawal there deposit back lol.

$1 bet hourly :exploding_head:


Hell yea! Good to see a fellow community member win it. First time?

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1.6 million. You must be a professional gambler. I agree the land casinoā€™s are just as hard to win at and usually you spend more.

@afloyd71 itā€™s over a span of more than a decade so roughly $133k a year.
Iā€™m more of a professional loser unfortunately.


Same here man :frowning:

Iā€™m not the only one winning on here and just because I post the winners doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t still lose on the slots


At least you hit something. I bet you do lose also.

Me too cubanmissle. I have my moments. Last week i lost 3 6pk parlays by one game.

Itā€™s always 1 team screwing up the parlay wins

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Solid day. Really happy to see Bovada offering First Point/Exact Method for more NBA games. Second time hitting 250-1.

Keep seeing people posting about Keno, so I gave it a shot. An MJ away from 8k, but Iā€™ll take it!


Wow! That +25000 was for someone to dunk? Iā€™ve never even seen a bet like that! Love the odds.