Wager Settlement Issues (Part 1)

Ref. 23111854000062

Is there a reason this was graded a loss and not a push? Anytime touchdown/game winner special and the player was inactive in the game but the team won

Takes up to an hour for primetime games to get graded. Eliminates any chance to bet on anything/plan on anything


We try our best to have wagers settled in a timely manner; however, there are some cases where we don’t acquire official results right away.

Do you have a wager that needs to be settled currently?

im not sure where to start a topic abt this but i just want to know is there any way possible to get a dark version of the site , the white screen is sooo bright

From what I see Rashaad Penny didn’t score a touchdown. Anytime Touchdown Scorer / Game Winner This both conditions should’ve been met for this wager to be a winner.

He was inactive from the game. I would have thought that him not being active for the game would have led to a “No Action,” not a loss. If that is not correct OK.

Deleted please

Ref. 23111854304737 , can I get this looked at please? TIA

Checking on this right now.


Sadly, dark mode is not available at the moment.

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This has been settled

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Ref. PROPS-123911408

Outcome already determined, please grade.

Checking on this right now.

Can I have this graded please??? 23111854455888
1H been over for a while now. Glad to see Bovada is on their toes…

I will take a look at this.

Our sports team has advised that all NCAA games will be settled soon and to give it a bit of time.

Ah great. So theres an issue with all NCAA games being graded? Can’t say I’m surprised at all when is there not a problem when it comes to paying out bets

I never implied that there was an issue. Please continue to monitor your account as the wager will be settled shortly. Cheers.

Then what do you mean by “all NCAA games will be settled soon”? Doesn’t that imply that there is a delay?

This has been settled.