@quinzinho1, Sorry for the inconvenience, having the Sports Team review this once more.
This has been sorted now.
Thanks ! Appreciate it!
Games have been over for a while now
This has been settled now.
Now they are taking forever to settle my wagers. Here is wager number. Both sets are over 24091994086467
Checking this.
Settled as a win!
Hello I just placed a bet last night on Oklahoma City dodgers to win the bet won and I had 270$ on my account this morning now my 270$ just disappeared and my account balance is showing zero when I attempt to place a bet. Ref. 24091993928892
This is due to the site issue we currently have. It’s being worked on.
Ref. 24091994144801
This match has been done for at least 2.5 hours. Can we get it settled please. Thanks!
This has been escalated for you.
Thanks! It was taken care of promptly as usual. I appreciate you all!
Can I get the following wager graded? The last match has been cancelled.
Ref. 24091994202563
Our sports team is currently looking into this wager and will have it updated for you shortly. Please monitor your account for the update periodically.
Still waiting on this
can I get 24091994294754 graded please? should be a push thanks