Wager Settlement Issues (Part 1)

@quinzinho1, Sorry for the inconvenience, having the Sports Team review this once more.

This has been sorted now.

Thanks ! Appreciate it!

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Games have been over for a while now

This has been settled now.

Now they are taking forever to settle my wagers. Here is wager number. Both sets are over 24091994086467

Checking this.

Settled as a win!

Hello I just placed a bet last night on Oklahoma City dodgers to win the bet won and I had 270$ on my account this morning now my 270$ just disappeared and my account balance is showing zero when I attempt to place a bet. Ref. 24091993928892

This is due to the site issue we currently have. It’s being worked on.

This should be resolved now @D_mcclinton.

Ref. 24091994144801

This match has been done for at least 2.5 hours. Can we get it settled please. Thanks! :sunglasses:

This has been escalated for you.

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Thanks! It was taken care of promptly as usual. I appreciate you all! :sunglasses:

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Can I get the following wager graded? The last match has been cancelled.

Ref. 24091994202563


Looking into this for you now @mneria97

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Our sports team is currently looking into this wager and will have it updated for you shortly. Please monitor your account for the update periodically.

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Still waiting on this

We have not been updated as yet @mneria97.

can I get 24091994294754 graded please? should be a push thanks