Wager Settlements 2

Someone please correct this immediately this negative balance is giving me anxiety. I have never had a negative balance before, nor did I know that it was possible. This is really upsetting.

Checking on this.

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This has now been re-settled for you


Thank you so much Paul :sob:

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hi I just had a quick question. the atp naples matches have ended for the night and the lines are locked. will the funds just be returned or do I have to wait until play is resumed tomorrow ? Ref number is 22101612336057. any response would be great.

Welcome to the Community!

Tennis matches generally have action if being delayed in a tournament so it will likely have to wait until tomorrow.

Hello! Could I have some assistance when you have a chance?

Ref: 22101612489064

These always settle as soon as the over hits, but the score got over 2 quite a while ago. The game is about to end and it still isn’t settled for some odd reason.

Thanks in advance!

Ref# 22101612600534

Can i get this graded?

Having a look at this right now.

Ok…thank you…its been a bit

22101612655082 Can this be graded

The wager has been settled.

Hey… I had a wager for Bradley Beal to play the first game of the season for the Wizards. He played today. Can It get graded? ref 22061555613231. Thanks so much![quote=“Ryan_Bovada, post:1, topic:608585, full:true”]
Continuation of Wager Settlements - #2514 by Paul_Bovada or inquiries related to sports wagers that need to be settled.

@noypeck will PM you.

@Paul_Bovada Can you look into this ticket for me 22101612882046. Its been over for 30 minutes and its still not graded

This is now settled.

Can you check on Ref. 22101613162219 for me. Looks pretty clear that Karlsson did end up with two points. Shows as a loss for me but pretty clearly looks like a win. Thanks!

Welcome to the Community, glad you joined our family.

Checking on the wager right now.

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Got it! Thanks, Mikey. Appreciate the timely response and resolution.

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Can I get a grade posiibly