Wager Settlements

Thank you Matty. The balance is still messed up. It’s showing a win but the amount is still off.

@Elvis_123 Its due to you already having received the risk amount back when it was originally settled as a push.

So what’s going on? Sorry I’m confused and have no clue whats happening.

@Elvis_123 I’ll send you a PM

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Hey Guys - could you take a look at Ref. 20041134948640

Final score of Map 3 between Subliners & Huntsmen was Huntsmen 156 - 150 Subliners which means Huntsmen -5.5 should be settled as a win.

Here is a screenshot of the final score. The match is still ongoing but I can link you to the VOD once the match is over as further proof if needed. Let me know! Thanks.

@hustle I’m sorry about that. its been resettled.

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My wager seems to be stuck Ref. 20041135139941. Can you please look into this.

@Hutch_123 I can see that this has now been settled.

Ref. 20041135206696. This has not been settled. Stuck in pending.

This is the second time in less than 24 hours that a winning bet has just lingered.

The losses get picked up right away, but with the wins I am stuck sitting and waiting for it to be graded.

Gotta get this resolved.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

@Hutch_123, we see that this wager has now been settled as a ‘Win’, apologies for the delay.

@hustle We’ll take a look into this and PM you with details shortly.

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Ref. 20041135227579 Again, I am waiting for a wager. Am I really going to have to come in here after every wager to prompt the wager to be graded?

I haven’t seen any info of issues on your end so I’d really like to know what’s going on with the system that it keeps delaying wins but has no problem grading losses.

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@Hutch_123, We’re sorry for the delays with any wager settlements… Ultimately our Sports Team does sometimes spend time looking for official sources to ensure the settlement is correct and this can sometimes take time. Also, there is no difference between the speed of which they settle losses as opposed to wins as ultimately they settle both sides at the same time.

On review, we see that this match is still ongoing and have PM’ed you.

I’d have to agree with Ryan on this. I dont think theres any difference in grading wins or losses. It just depends on the match and sources available. Sometimes though, you wonder why grading isnt faster because you follow along on Bovada with the live scores showing and see the game end. Yet, the game just hangs there greyed out for a long time while the final score is obviously shown and being displayed.
One wager I cant wait to make is Ryan vs Khabib. I hear Ryan smack talking saying hes the real undisputed champ. He later went on to say he would knock him out before you could pronounce his name. Let’s make this match happen. I got my money on Ryan at +10000000000.

Is this a known issue?

Please grade. Been over an hour

Ref. 20041135239442

This is outrageous

I can see that this has since been settled, apologies for the delay.

20041135275513 can this be graded from this morning

@adz_123, We’ve PM’ed you regarding this wager.