01/10/2025 | epic jackpot winner! | $150,347

That has not been edited?

Congratulations!!! :metal:t2::metal:t2:

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@ i2aver congrats on your winnings

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I would suggest you quit for sometime and setup a steady backup as you are debt free. Please dont go for glory once more. Cherish the happy moments and please set up a backup and live a debt free life.


I’m a bit dismayed unlike others here.

You got a second chance at life here. You’re telling everyone how you couldn’t pay your bills and was going to be in assisted debt relief program but yet you were here gambling away money that could’ve been used for your situation.

Then you go on to say you can’t enjoy this win because you had to use the money to pay off all of your debt.

Dude you enjoyed your jackpot money in other ways prior to winning it.

Rather than give a moan over it, be grateful that the good Lord gave you a second chance at life and hopefully you learn something from this and NEVER get into the situation you were in ever again.

This post may rub some of you the wrong way, but I’ve seen this scenario over and over and unless they get some tough love, they don’t learn and get right back into the situation again, because it’s so easy to do.

Learn from others mistakes before you, quit playing slots, improve your life and stay far away. You’ve already given back 2K and the next thing you know it’s 20K and 50K and then what?

Glad you won, glad you were given a second chance, please brother don’t blow it.

God Bless You


I hear you, bro. I won $5K more in slots last month after paying everything off and withdrew. I haven’t deposited since the Super Bowl, and I already made $1K from that and withdrew it as well. I’m not sure about quitting gambling entirely, but I don’t need to make any more bets until next football season.

I’m using this second chance I’ve been given and have started investing with my wife and helping her with her business. We just opened an office in our city. It was difficult because no one wanted to give us insurance since the office is located in the Eaton fire zip code, but everything worked out in the end. All of her products sold out even before I finished setting up her office furniture. If God is out there, I’d like to thank him for watching over me and the fam.

So, to recap, the winnings weren’t blown. I was able to pay off every single debt I had. I was also able to give some money to my mom, my sister, and my daughter’s teacher (because she lost her house in the fire), and pay for a 5-day cruise to Cabo. I got the drink packages, the specialty dining, and I’m going to swim with dolphins. (They have a dolphin shore excursion down there in Cabo.) And I still have some money left that I plan to invest.

I hope you and everyone else here get the second chance that I got and use it well. Hopefully, you’ll get even more than I did and do even better things with it.

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Whoever wins BIG next, get yourself a Lazy-Boy. Totally worth it.


@i2aver I’m glad you’re doing positive things with the winnings.
Please don’t forget to set money aside for taxes because even though Bovada may not report it, the crypto exchange (Coinbase, Crypto.com and so on), will report it.