500 contest Bovada pick em tournament! Get your picks in! Open To All!

lol i’ll pick @tim_12

Appreciate but Rmallia closed this earlier in the week

Hi Skip, i appreciate but Rmallia closed this earlier in the week. Check me though. Thanks

I’ll take @tim_12 for whiner here :wink:

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hope tim 12 wins and then he don’t get paid that would be great…

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Hey guys

Our Final 4 is locked up

That leaves only 14 people alive to get pay off the prize pool

Those 14 are




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Make sure to follow our Final 4 this weekend ( Thursday through Monday ) and root for your pick

As a remonder if your guy wins you will be entered into the drawing to win part of the prize

250 for the top prize
150 for the next prize
100 for the 3rd prize

The people who picked @randybarr , @jwrobel21 or @nrunkel are guaranteed a prize if their pick wins as 3 people or less picked those posters

There are 6 people who picked @tim_12 si if he wins you’ll basically have a 1/2 shot of winning something

Good luck! Let’s get it!

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I’ll do my best to help those who backed me win! As Bart Scott would say….


I’m goin with @tim_12

6th seed please. Thank you!



You guys tell @jwrobel21 thanks

Do you guys want 166.67 each or do you want me to si the drawing?

250 1st
150 2nd
100 3rd

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Drawing is fine with me

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You’re welcome for my luck running hot for the last few weeks on these picks!


Thanks for the chance and running hot @jwrobel21
Either way is fine @Rmilia1


Ill do the drawing in the AM yall abd post up the results and get the winners credited

Im going with the unconventional method of letting my 7 year old pick your names out of my hat

Im old school lol


Thanks for running this @Rmilia1

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You bet buddy

Ill be doing the winners in 40 minutes so be ready

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Ok guys are draw winners are

250 @mcfc104
150 @CaptMas
100 @JPP373

@Chey_Bovada can i get these accounts credited please? Thanks

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Hey @Rmilia1. I have credited the accounts. Please let me know if the players have received the credit in their accounts. Thank you kindly.