Big Win Gallery

Man the Seige reamed me good early this morning! Glad to see you got a little piece @richierichtwo nicely done!


Followed by a 208x on FW. Somewhat of a lucky Friday. FW 208x


Hopefully Not the last one today, most likely however.
*Non bonus round Epic Win. 100x FW100x


Nice wins! Just a tip, it looks like you’re taking pictures of your computer screen, which seems like it’d be a pain to upload to your computer with less quality.

You can pretty easily take screenshots on your computer by hitting the “Print Screen” button which copies your entire screen and then paste it into something like Paint to save it as an image. There’s also the “Snip and Sketch” program that should already be on your computer assuming it’s a PC (or you can use the Windows key + Shift + S to quickly grab a screenshot).

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@richierichtwo Nice! Lol you say “SOMEWHAT of a lucky Friday…” Im not sure I could even comprehend what you would consider a full on lucky Friday! At least not without a change of the undies anyway. Congrats dude keep it up!

@Recklessbetz I appreciate you passing that along, You’re totally right! I’ll get em cleared up in future! Lol Every now then it’s easier for me to snap w my phone/airdrop to P.C.
Take it easy - Cheers

@jbw1581 I appreciate that, I certainly didn’t mean to come across as overly modest, at time I was factoring in how much they clipped me for past week! Don’t get me wrong, Im extremely Stoked and needed a bit of a comeback!
Thanks for message :v:t3:

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Congrats @richierichtwo! Good lil Friday!

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@richierichtwo No no man I knew exactly what you meant. I just got a little chuckle out of it and take those where ever I can find them! It just made me laugh because I will let my brain take off like a rocket with just about any win over $50. It usually completely masks the fact that I prob just spun about $200 to hit that $50 lol!
Keep it up! Im feeling a Saturday big win gallery dominated by @richierichtwo!

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@jbw1581 I’m happy to report around 130am last night couldn’t sleep, pulled a few on a cyber punk @ $2/ea, hit it for 375x on greenies
@Recklessbetz I made sure to screenshot from my phone this time lol



Im happy to read your report @richierichtwo!
Now any thoughts on where I should try to spin my $6 up into a couple hundred? Pull one out of the hat for me and lets watch what I do with it!

@jbw1581, I appreciate the Laugh buddy, Hilarious. Give it a shot on Cyber Punks at %.040/pull and see if you can up to double digits.
In the meantime, check your account balance for a little bump from yours truly.
Just sent P2P your way - Now you have $20 balance- Go get em


Richie’s rich!!

Nice hits dude!

Down to my last $80 or so the other night and hit for 609x! $5 spin


Nice to see that some big wins are possible…way to go fellas!

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200x on a $1.80 spin on Genie, jewel bonus just kept going all the way up to 100 free spins haha


Hey thanks @richierichtwo!

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MaN I keep trying to get that many spins on 9 bucks bet and it never happens

Yeah I was rolling on $9 spins for a whiiiiile with no luck so I dropped down to $1.80 and then of course hit that lol

$2.50 spin for 411x Jack the ripper last night