I am encountering an issue with three wagers I placed during a live soccer game. Bovada has marked these wagers as “late wagers,” which is completely inaccurate. The wagers were placed correctly, and the lines were not frozen at the time.
I request that Bovada be transparent about the reasoning behind marking these bets as late, as it seems that this action is being used to avoid paying out my winnings.
I look forward to your prompt response and a fair resolution.
Their traders are cheating liers who are scared to pay out a +600 Live wager that was placed on a running game and bovada knows it too
I placed several other wagers on the game that was loser and so did other players on the website and they say the lines are late? Like comeon if you don’t wanna pay just say it
Ref. 24081976104489
Ref. 24081976107610
Ref. 24081976074380
Cut off time for 24081976074380 was 13:04:33.
Cut off time for 24081976104489 was 14:24:10.
Cut off time for 24081976107610 was 14:33:12.
Based on the information provided, all wagers would’ve been settled correctly. Please be advised that the times provided are set by our traders.
This is above response from one of the moderators
how do you determine “Cut off time for 24081976074380 was 13:04:33”
please explain this? this is a 10minute scoring market in soccer
wager placed at 13:06:00
goal was scored at 13:06:50