Can't use prop builder on any browser

I’m trying to use prop builder for the Chiefs game and the UI looks like this, are others unable to use this?

Have you attempted to try another pick in the proper builder?

Ok singles are working, but the UI breaks when adding anything from the multi category

Thanks for the feedback, we will look into it and any further details we will share.

Prop builder going strong :muscle::muscle:

Thanks for the feedback @Justncredible.

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@Mikey_Bovada looks like there is some issue with prop builder. It’s not loading

Having this looked into right now.

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Yeah its definitely down

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Yes the prop builder is not working won’t load on any of my platforms

We have been informed that there are certainly issues with the prop builder. Once we are updated we will let you know.

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Prop Builder still not working kind of sucks I’d really like to make some insane bets and give bovada my money but I guess they got plenty haha

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Just checked the ticket and it shows that the issue was resolved. Please let me know what’s the error you get so we can check if the issue has resurfaced.

It’s has been working today. No issues.

Prop builder is having issues @moderators

The prop builder seems to be working properly now.