Going to the arena watch live, what's the best way to export/print my bets?

I have a lot of bets / parlays placed, would love to print them so I can track them live while I’m at the MMA event (there will be poor reception there, and doing so on mobile is hard anyway).
Any suggestions?

Jot them all down the old-fashioned way?

Yeah too many that would literally take an hour :slight_smile: Plus it keeps changing as we get closer to the event.

How would the bets change if already placed?

We add more, also can cash out for full $ and change them. Sometimes odds change…

Invite however many people you have bets for and have each person remember a bet.

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Dang you must’ve went wild haha. GL with all those

Thanks. Small sized bets :smile:


Found it - super simple! On Chrome, if you go to the “transactions” then “open bets” page, and hit Ctrl-P to print, it will actually print just the scrolling window listing all the bets. So no need to go take separate screenshots - just save to PDF and take with you to the fights