Has anyone else been reprimanded on livedealer

So support came in and told me to tone down my chat and not make malicious comments for saying ……

(Dealer got a blackjack) so I said “Goodness”

Dealer hits the support button.

(Dealer gets another blackjack) so I said “Another one?”

Support comes in and tells me if I don’t stope making malicious comments, I’ll be disabled from chat and blocked.

So I said please tell me what I said that was malicious?

So they blocked my chat after talking to me like I’m 10 years old smh

Yep theyve done that to me for basically not saying anything too

Was banned for 31 days multiple times

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Theyve gotten really weird on there. I dont bother with blackjack. It is unwinnable

I agree they should not be blocking anyone since it’s important for you to have communication with support. I was blocked for 30 days which is too long. it’s ridiculous.