I was phuking there!

i got some points to cash in im sure like most everyone else. i bought the 5 dollas casino and i had made it to the promise land (125$ rollover casino) but it ALL WENT WRONG. lost my 11$ cash out :frowning: how do you guys cope?

Might get luckier next time with some points.

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I feel you. I think it happens to most of us. Since I’ve noticed this is a pattern, I have trained myself to take it easy with bonus funds. And by easy I mean reaaaalllly easy. The closer I get to the finish line, the more careful I am and the more I hop from one slot to another.

How do I cope with it? Usually by making a deposit with money I don’t have :sweat_smile: and pray to the slots’ gods I don’t also lose that. I wouldn’t recommend you do that though.

If it’s of any consolation, just know you’re not alone!