NFL 2021 Kickoff Pick’Em Competition 13

How u know they took the same thing tho? Didn’t see a post from them.

I went through their icons on all the picks. Looked at the Seahawks pick since it is the least picked winner and I matched up icons with all the other winning picks

Wow lol. Been 2-3 winners on all correct for weeks till the time I finally win :skull:

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Right lol. Not a bad payday though

I’ll take it

now i have to agree that WST is actually a good team. they played consistent and good football for 4 weeks straight.
And 49ers are just being 49ers. Seahawks can actually play defense

Not bad @FluLikeSymptoms ! You were correct here as these are your 5 winners this week with all 7 correct. (Including yourself of course!)

The $100 bonus is being put in your accounts now!

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Thank you so much Ryan!! Happy to have finally gotten one LOL


I don’t see the list

The list is essentially @FluLikeSymptoms mentions that I replied to above. He correctly stated all 5 winners.

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This is the post!


Congratulations to all!


@Ryan_Bovada What are the chances to have one of these competitions for Sunday NFL games with Over/Under Spread options. Like for the individual games or like Home vs Away - home teams or away teams will have more TD’s scored, home or away teams more FG’s scored, rushing yards, passing yards, fumbles, sacks etc

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Not a bad idea at all. We’ll look into doing something more related to spreads this week, and maybe do some home vs away spreads next.


Good luck with the roll over requirements About 1 in a million to clear or a million hours at the poker table


Just be happy for the winners

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He IS a winner. That’s what he is posting about.

I’d be curious how many winners accomplish clearing the bonus I’d guess less than 10%, it’s hard enough to be a “winner” it would be nice if they gave us a decent chance of clearing the bonus but they’re very stingy

You got that right! They lie about the poker requirement. It’s 5 times as much as they claim at the top. It says 3x poker points. It’s 15! That’s a fact because my wife won a few weeks back, got $250. It takes $250 in RAKE to clear that. You win 15 poker points per dollar of rake. The rules at the top of the page state you need 3x poker points, so $250 x 3 = 750 points. That would only require $50 in poker rake. But trust me: it’s requiring $250. Wife has been playing A LOT and is just a day ago passed 1875 points to reach the 50% mark.

So yeah, it’s theoretically free money, but you only get to keep it if you bet a ton (and within 90 days!), however you do it, and with Bovada’s rake/vig, it’s highly unlikely very many contest winners are ever going to walk away with their prize; the vig/rake will eat it all up.


I’ve rolled over before you make it seem impossible

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