Prop Builder Problem

For the last few days, when I go into the prop builder, I cannot bet anything. I keep getting a weird error message. Yes I have tried different browsers and yes I have cleared the cache/history. I know it says to login, but I am definitely logged in

Looking into this for you.

I can see that you have placed couple of wagers recently. Does this issue occur on specific events?

It hasn’t let me used the prop builder specifically.

Was it after you placed the wagers or before? Or did troubleshooting help?

All day yesterday I was NOT ABLE to use the prop builder. The wagers that I have placed were the standard wagers available under the games. Every time I went into the prop builder and selected an alternate prop, I got the above error message

Understood, so it works fine now?

It wasn’t working, but appears to be now

Sure. I see that you place two wagers today and just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly.

I’ll message you.

It does this to me sometimes too. Usually if I click the green login button first, it will then work (and yes obviously we are already logged in lol). Not sure why it does that but works for me. Looks like you got it figured out already tho. Good luck!