Congratulations @JaneLA!
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Question 8:
Who was the first European-born player to win the NBA MVP award?
Dirk Nowitzki
Dirk Nowitzki
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This question is still up for grabs.
Dirk Nowitzki
8- Who was the first European-born player to win the NBA MVP award?
Answer: Dirk Nowitzki.
Be the FIRST to answer correctly and win a $5 prize!
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Question 9:
Which Neil Diamond song is played in the eighth inning of every Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park?
Sweet caroline
“Sweet Caroline.”
Sweet caroline
9- Which Neil Diamond song is played in the eighth inning of every Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park?
Answer: “Sweet Caroline”
As per the Terms and Conditions To give everyone a fair chance, you can only win once in the giveaway .
Congratulations @lordofdring!
Be the FIRST to answer correctly and win a $5 prize!
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Question 10:
Which team made the biggest playoff comeback in NFL history by defeating the Houston Oilers in 1993?
Team Bovada
Buffalo Bills
Buffalo bills
As per the Terms and Conditions To give everyone a fair chance, you can only win once in the giveaway .
Congratulations @Rmilia1!