Top 5 Best NBA Documentaries

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Here you can check the article about TOP 5 BEST NBA DOCUMENTARIES.

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I agree with most of the top 5 on the list but how can Basketball County : Something in the Water- not make the list . An excellent documentary telling about a basketball hotbed area in Prince Georges County ,(known on the streets as P.G) Maryland which borders the actions capital of DC. It’s a Kevin Durant film as he’s from PG too. It tells about our Nations Capital bordering rough area with thoughts on socialism, the economy, and the violence / drugs activity that have plagued the area since before Len Bias. High Crime and High flyers no doubt. Over 25 NBA lottery draft players and over a dozen WNBA players have hailed from PG in the last 20 years. Basketball hotbed . I’m from PG also and had to show some love to area. PG all day - everyday!


Chris Herren Boston Documentary…One of the best Documentaries

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