Wager Settlement Issues

trying to chat right now

my ufc wager has been counted as a loss… this really is an inconvenience.

chats not working… no number to call?? i messaged em on twitter… come on man

Got ahold on chat after forever nothing They can do sorry for inconvenience and to monitor my account so now get to miss out on rest of finds keep trying the chat

what do you mean they can do nothing? some one won… i have both fighters…wtf

just got money in my account

I believe they wont be on till 4am eastern time.

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Best thing you could do is go to the Customer care chat on the website

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Good luck with them :joy:

Earlier the sports book chat needed to escalate to the “sportsbook team” my wager that was cancelled…why is there a sportsbook chat for help if they don’t know anything going on ever about sports?

i guess sometimes things happen… it worked out for me in the wrong run but it was a huge inconvenience

Yeah i agree things happen however this was more than an inconvenience for me. I’ve been around long enough to understand certain things are out of some people’s control etc but It totally affected my ability to wager properly (all together) not just before but live during the fight as well as the Dober fight. It’s actually ridiculous that this happened and how? If wasn’t just us as people were posting screen shots on twitter etc…it’s a bad look. The fact to have to go through that And miss out on an actual Live SPORTS event not a video game and stuff I don’t play or care about is a huge let down. Getting the wagers correctly settled like 30 mins later isn’t satisfactory to me and I’m not happy about it. I know it’s not the @moderators fault, or the CS agent who is just trying to do their job and has no control over the issue as they can only do what they can. I hope Bovada makes this right…

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Hey guys,

I’m really sorry to see that there was an error in the initial settlement of these wagers and I sincerely apologize for any confusion and inconvenience caused, however, we will not be able to provide compensation for this delay as the wager was correctly re-settled shortly afterward.

Please also note that hedging your bets is not something that we suggest doing.

Sounds good not a problem at all trust me

I don’t mean for my messages to keep coming here lol I’m tryin to respond to someone’s post. Sorry

Ref. 20051138372203 An you grade this please.


Apologies for the delay. This wager has since been settled as a win!

Ref. 20051138449754 Can you grade this please.

Just would like to say that when wagers are not graded in a timely manner it prevents people from getting other bets in. I could have doubled my money but I was left to watch because this was not graded out.

There is no issue in claiming losses, but wins seem to be an issue in getting graded in a consistent manner.

I’ll check now

Not sure why the hold up but ref 20051138463906 has ended over an hour ago and has yet to be graded. All other matches seem to be grading quickly. Can you please advise? Thank you kind sirs.

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