Wager Settlement Issues

Lol I think he noticed that too. See how he stopped typing mid sentence with the last sentence being “Will”…

My Name is Will Carter

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How is this a considered a loss? It doesn’t have any stipulations on how he scores it just says “Scores 2 or more TDs”.

Here you go. screen shot 20111220646424

Anyone else have an issue with the Vikings cover of 6.5 and getting credited as a loss?

You had Vikings +6.5? Must’ve been terrible odds unless you bet live.

@Gustavo Looks like it was sorted for you earlier on.
@toybyer Your selection for the Steelers is on the game on Thursday, it’ll be settled after that.
@Dhudson021 Your wager was on the second quarter and they didn’t cover the spread.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Can you settle 20111212039035. Pennsylvania is certified. Thanks

Any wager settlements regarding the election will be posted on the election thread.

Ref. 20111222548700 @moderators, basketball game was cancelled

Hi @rpgray,

I will send you a PM with more info.

Hi this wager is still pending in my account but cashed over 9 hours ago. Please advise
Ref. 20111222601209

As the title describes. This should be a winning bet.

Can anyone tell me if I am missing something or if this is an error that will hopefully be corrected after my ticket is answered…thanks in advance.

I can only include one image but game was farleigh dickinson vs quinnepiac, ended 66-84.

That should be a win. Put this under


And include reference number. Mods can get this fixed quickly but they are offline til 1am PST.


They corrected it, thanks for the help

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Yesterday they screwed up quite a few basketball bets. Did they fix yours?

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Yes thanks, see above

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Rams and 49ers game over for 30 minutes wager still not graded…