Wager Settlement Issues

The game just took place today - Florida beat Kentucky 15-4.

Game was postponed to today - game took place - Florida State won. I placed 2 game parlay on Florida State and Florida - both won. I don’t win?

Let me go back to sports with that info.

got it , thanks!

So it seems like the rule you referenced was for MLB and not college baseball. Our sports team is taking another look into your wager and will provide us with an update once their review is complete.

I am in the “Baseball” Help & Rules section of the Help Center. No distinction between any level of baseball that I can see.

Settlement stands according to sports as the rule highlighted applies to MLB not college baseball.

Ref. 24051949638762

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This was escalated and waiting for an update from the team.

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@Brooke_Bovada Any update on this?

Sports Team has advised this cannot be settled yet as this game is for the 23rd

@Maddie_Bovada can you have this graded please. The match was postponed REF:24061957979295

Or anybody lol

Wager was escalated.

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Hi Mods, can you have this fixed? It was graded incorrectly. 24061958693637

@moderators, can anyone help with this?

Hey, the wager is settled correctly. First pitch was a Foul - MLB

It was a ball. I watched the game.


Hi, first time posting here hoping my issue gets resolved. I placed a bet on the euros Belgium vs Romania game, Kevin debruyne would make over 55.5 passes and it was marked as a loss. Can this be looked into please

Ref. PROPS-154786165
Ref. PROPS-154786567


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