Wager Settlements

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

20051138952380. This game is over taking forever to settle

This wager has now been settled as a win.

For the West Florida Golf Tour - Laurel Oak Spring Classic there were multiple WDs before players teed off, including two guys I bet on straight up and in parlays. Can you please credit the follow action for me since these guys didn’t tee off?

Patrick Williams:
Ref. 20051138741911
Ref. 20051138439506
Ref. 20051138463651
Ref. 20051138436699

Joe Zawaski:
Ref. 20051138742791
Ref. 20051138742403
Ref. 20051138742284
Ref. 20051138742244
Ref. 20051138441786
Ref. 20051138433123

West Florida Golf Tour tweet
Confirmation of the WDs on the leaderboard
Confirmation of the tee times


I’ve sent all the details to our Sports Team and they’re looking into it now. The settlements should come in shortly.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Ref. 20051139107947. This one is frozen on the live betting screen. Match finished 20 minutes ago

I’ve sent it over to our Sports team for them to look into.

It should be settled in the next couple of minutes.

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I have a match that ended a bit ago and the guy that lost is already in the middle of another match. Can you please grade ref 20051139340773
Thank you good fellas.

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Nm. Match has been graded :+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Ref. 20051139393063. Please settle

Hey @buckjackr, this wager was settled shortly afterward. Congrats on the win. :slight_smile:

Ref. 20051139437696. Can this please get settled? I waited 20 minutes after it ended but it still hasn’t been. What is Bovada’s expectation for grading wagers? How long should it take after a game ends?

Wagers get settled as soon as our Sports team receives word on the official results which is why there can sometimes be delays.

I’ve sent this over to them now and I’ll let you know once it’s settled.

Your wager with reference number 20051139437696 has just been settled.

Ref. 20051139538501 Can you grade this wager, please


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Ref. 20051139705368 can you grade this wager, please.


This was settled shortly afterward. Apologies for any delay!

Ref. 20051140357152. Please grade.

Again, and I have said this numerous times, the lag on getting winning tickets graded is ridiculous. I lose and the ticket is graded swiftly. I win and the ticket takes forever to get graded. How does that work?

I don’t want an apology, I just want consistency with this. I miss out on bets because the wager isn’t graded in a timely manner for whatever reason. Its just ridiculous.