Wager Settlements

Admin - I placed a round robin parlay that had 20 variations. The slip is showing as closed but only 15 out of the 20 variations were graded. There is one leg that is causing 5 variants of that round robin to have just vanished with no grade. Please advise.

Hey @dodger29, I will take a look now and send you a PM with more information shortly.

Thanks - its is ref #Ref. 20071150529274

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My round robin first 5 innings has a rain out. Its the only open leg on the parlays. Tigers and baystars did not complete 5 innings and should be a push for first 5. 20071150476483 is one of the parlay ids.

I’ll take a look @Redwood

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Ref. 20071149946266

Can you please settle this wager? It was first graded as a win, then went to undecided. Griffin missed the cut and Homa finished with a better score through 2 rounds. Thanks.

![Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 7.21.22 AM|690x167](upload://e5


Hey @ScottLinebrink, as this wager is Tournament Match Up it will only be settled once the tournament is over.

@Lukas How come last week they were settled mid tournament? See Ref. 20071148541903

I’ll send you a PM with more information.


Can i get ref 20071151925594 graded please? Thanks!

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Take it back it just did. Thanks anyway!


Hello can I please have 20071152205053 graded thanks

It has been settled as a win now.

Hello mods. This match has been over and everything related to it has been graded.
Please assist.

ref # 20071153092984

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Apologies for any delays @Kman0207 - it’s since been settled.

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20071153610237. please grade

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We’ve sent the details and wager results to the sports team, the settlement should come in shortly.

Can i get this settled please. Over last night 20071153954472

I’ll send it over to our Sports team for you now.