Wager Settlements

I’ll check this out with our Sports team and let you know once there is an update.

These wagers have now been settled as ‘No Action’ as the game did not get played.

Thanks @Lukas!

I have two tickets that have no been graded.

One Winner-Ref. 20061142185550

One Loser-Ref. 20061142173278

When you have time can you look at both of these to get them squared away.


This has now been settled. For wager with reference number 20061142173278, the game was delayed due to rain and will be settled accordingly once completed.

Wager 20061142257728
I bet on Evil Geniuses +2.5 vs Triumph and the match ended 15-15. My wager was first grade as a push, then as a loss. Can someone please help correct this? Thanks.

@Planetbradford The wagers been settled as a win

Thank you.

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Ref. 20061142372213. Taking a while to settle please help

Anyone checking this message board today? Just checked and my wager still hasn’t been settled. Game has been over for almost an hour now

@buckjackr I’ll have it checked

Any update? It’s crazy how long this is taking. Simple 4 team parlay. No pushes, suspensions, etc. Last game ended about 4:15

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@buckjackr the wager was settled about 10 minutes ago.

Ref. 20061142446981

MIBR -4.5 - This map ended as a clear win for my pt. spread and was graded a win immediately.

Now it’s been re-graded as a push. Super strange… Any help is appreciated.

Edit. Screencap added.

@Maliabear I’ll have it checked

Fixed! Thank you Matty!

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I have sent SEVERAL emails. I have sent screen shots. I have asked for a phone call. I have asked for a supervisor. All I get is it looks like we have already responded. I have had $245 tied up for a month and I need a resolution.

@Zennmoney I’ll have a look and send you a PM shortly

Hi moderators,

I made a wager, wager # 20061142676746, just over an hour ago and even though I won, I am being told that I lost. The wager I made was a live bet, and it looks like the same two table tennis players played another match immediately following mine and since my wager wasn’t graded quickly enough after the win, the system then confused my match with the one immediately following. The player I bet on, Dmitry Galay, won my match and then lost the next one. Heck, The live bet was -1800 (because it was 2-0 in my favor when I bet) and he got dominated 3-0 the next game and so if that’s the one it’s putting me on then the odds would clearly never be -1800. This isn’t the first time this has happened as it happened yesterday too, but the system sorted it out itself. It does, however, make me nervous that there seems to be some kind of confusion in the system. Please help and correct. Thank you so much.

@jfaro_123 I’ll check now

Thank you as always Matty.

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