Wager Settlements

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I was hoping you could check on a wager that hasn’t been settled.

Ref. 20061143106693

Disregard. It settled right as I typed this

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Hello mods, just checking on wager 20061143142052 which was a winner but is not settled.


Mods, it just got settled - thanks anyway!

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Wanted to see if y’all could please check on something for me. Grading seems to be going extra slow this morning…

Ref. 20061143217425
Ref. 20061143214079

I apologize for any delays @GeezeMoney03. I will have these checked with our Sports team now.

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Thank you!

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Hello, was wondering what happened to my wager on ref 20061143358964, I was credited yesterday as a win which they did cover but this morning I logged in it was taken out as an lost?


We’ve now sent the results and details of the game to our Sports Team. The wager will either be resettled or we’ll message you shortly why it was resettled this morning.

Thank you for your respond

Ref. 20061143401240. Sandgren vs Wolf match was never scheduled for today. I just checked the tournaments official website. Is this going to be graded as a push or what?


Our Sports have this match down as starting at 12:50pm ET.

If it doesn’t take place, they’ll review the settlement in accordance with our Tennis rules.

Can you please tell the sports team to look at the official tournament website? The match is clearly not taking place and was never scheduled for today so I wonder where they got their info from. Can you please ask what their source is?

We’ll PM you with some details shortly.

Reference number 20061144430625

This match has been cancelled for more than half a day now. When will the wager be cancelled/push/refunded? Thank you.

Apologies for the delay, but it’s been cancelled for you now.


Not graded, thanks.

Hey @johnl57, these have now been settled for you.

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Thank you!!!

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can I please get Ref. 20061144888346