Wager Settlements

I’ll check now

20081160688462 Please review this reference number for a bet i made. I took the over and it hit but it said i lost. @moderators

@DKgezus We’ll have it reviewed

@Matty_Bovada 20081160688462 thank you. The total for the game was 86 and i had over 76.5


@DKgezus I’ve sent you a PM as the wager is settled correctly

@Matty_Bovada damn. Thank you for the update.

Ref. 20081161000645
Ref. 20081161011611

These bets are not graded for hours
Chat is also down for hours

These wagers seem to have just settled, apologies for the delay.

As for our chat, we are having a relatively busy day so the wait times may be larger than average. I’ve heard no reports that it’s currently down or not working however. I’ll circle back if we do get reports that it’s down at the moment.

Ref. 20081161041532

Please settle. Trying to make more wagers

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Details and results have been sent over now. The settlement should be coming in shortly.

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Ref. 20081161494521. Can I get this one graded? Both players rounds are complete. Thanks

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@buckjackr we’ll have a look. Usually these wagers are settled after the whole round is completed

There are multiple games on the live betting page that were never processed today … seeing if these (looks like they’re all hockey games) will ever be processed. Thanks

@ToysRuS I’ll have a look

Still waiting on ref 20081162258863
Thank you.

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Here’s a screenshot of the final score if you need it. Thanks.

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Ref. 20081162310588

Innings been complete for a few hours could I get this one graded please and thanks

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Hello @moderators
I’m wondering why the game ref 20081162258863
was graded as a loss. I even posted a screenshot of the final score.
Please advise.
Thank you.

@Kman0207 The photo you provided isn’t the right game.

Here’s a link:


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