Wager Settlements

Oh Last time it turned into a 3 fight Parlay. What if they don’t fight?

If they don’t, then that selection will be voided and the rest of the parlay will be settled accordingly.

Ok thank you

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No worries!

Ref. 20091190604306
can you look at this too thank you

It will be settled soon.

Just stepping in to let everyone know that we are currently having a bit of a delay with settling some NFL wagers. Note, these will be settled soon and we are working towards resolving the issue shortly.

Yeah cause i don’t see my earlier bet i won, nor do i see my open parlay

The open bet issue is something we’re aware of and we’ll be providing updates here. We do apologize for the inconvenience as well.

Can you please process this wager? Ref 20091191728690 It shouldn’t take the entire game to grade this type of wager like in games past. Thank you!

Hello - can you please refund the following wagers? These lines were clearly off by almost 60 points and were mislabeled as full match. Thank you. Ref 20091191881130 and 20091191880973

20091191728690 was settled for you.

Regarding the other two, can you reach out via PM with more details? The information provided on our scoreboard is only there for informational purposes and there are times when the information can be outdated or not accurate.

Hello, the lines that you accepted my wager on where off by 60 points. I placed the wager and the live shifted and submitted and then a minute later the line changed to the correct line which was 60 points higher!

That’s entirely possible to happen due to the nature of the scoreboard.

Please keep in mind the following information which is available in our help center:

The Live Scoreboard should NOT be relied upon when making wagering decisions. We strive to ensure our Scoreboard is reflective of live game action; however, on occasion, discrepancies can occur between scoreboard details and the lines offered. As such, lines will be settled according to what occurs in the game, using the data contained in the official play by play for the given sport.

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Is there a delay in soccer payouts? This match 20091191933354 finished about 90 minutes ago…

The results and wager details are now sent off to the Sports Team, it should be settled shortly.

Why was my wager settles as a win and then one minute later settles as “unsettled”. It is clearly a win. Please correct quickly please.

Ref. 20091192105368

This wager is probably unsettled as the Sports Team had to resettle the line itself. Once it resettles it will likely be a win, but we’ll need to wait until it does to look into it.

Yeah man, that scoreboard is just eye candy enticing you to more often than not make an incorrect bet!!! Speaking from experience… Rule does say dont rely on it but why dont they block it out to keep from misleading folk.

I placed a bet on Sept. 30th’s Miami Marlins vs Chicago Cubs game and won. It still shows that the bet is open and the money from winning hasn’t been put into my bovada account. Does this happen a lot and should I just keep waiting on it?