Wager Settlements

I don’t want to be a pest should I just assume wager settlements are going to be backed up today?

Hello please help. Would like Ref. 20111223838426 to be settled. Thanks!

I’ll have a look for you

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Just saw that you guys graded the LET european ladies tour golf tournament just now - and they are in the middle of the second round ??

@Jpolston Your wagers were on who the First round leader would be so they were settled since the first round is completed.

Can I get a close out? Trying to place a couple other wagers!

Ref. 20111223904692

Hi @GeezeMoney03, your wager was settled. I’m sorry for the late response.

Shoot my bad -

20111223912504 Reference number.

Game ended over an hour ago. Haven’t paid me. Quick to take any loss out. Basketball game that ended 20-30 min after this was a loss and Bovada took it quick, yet hasn’t paid this out. Can we get this taken care of?

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Hi @Bbarnes, I will look into this for you and keep you posted.

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Thank you, I appreciate it

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Hi @Bbarnes, your wager was settled. Let us know if you need anything else.

20111224146693. Please and thank you

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Sure @Jadams87, let I’ll have a look at this.

@Jadams87, this was forward over to our team, I’ll update you once your settlement is confirmed.

@Jadams87, your wager was settled. Let us know if you need anything else.

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Can you settle Ref. 20111224933480? It’s been more than 3 hours since this commenced.

Hi @Bears022, the wager was escalated to our sports team for settlement. I’ll update you once it is settled.

Your wager was settled. Let us know if you need anything else.

Can you please check this wager graded incorrectly. Ref . 20111225000405