Wager Settlements

When will I receive credit for my won bet? Ref. 20031131066763

This market will be settled within the next 48 hours.

Iā€™ll keep an eye on your wager and let you know once itā€™s been settled.

Ref. 20031131751283 @moderators can you take a look at this one and push it up the chain as well.

It appears that one of the selections for this wager is still ongoing and will be settled once the last match has ended.

Matches already ended @Louis_Bovada, can dm you the results of needed

Weā€™ve been informed that itā€™s still ongoing, but feel free to send over what you have and Iā€™ll pass it onto our Sports team.

Sent you a dm with the final results @Louis_Bovada

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Hello, Ref. 20021111816944

I bet an MLB season win total over and with the season not being 162 games I would like a refund, thank you

@Chicago12, Welcome to the Community.

We are currently looking into this wager and will provide details over PM shortly.

I know it is not your fault but this wager was completed 3 days ago nowā€¦ come on Bovadaā€¦ that is extremely way too long to pay out a bet


Weā€™ve PMā€™ed you regarding this wager.

Last night i placed a bet that won and it was credited as a win but then for some reason the money was taken back out of my acct and the bet now shows as unsettled. How does this get fixed? Emailed multiple times with no answer . Ref

Welcome to the community @Rmilia1, Iā€™ll take a look at this wager for you and Iā€™ll provide an update shortly.

Thanks. Appreciate that

Placed a bet that was graded as a loss. Everywhere I look makes it seem like it should have been a win, ref number 20031131504719. Hope for some clarification thanks.

Placed a bet on a game that ended up getting cancelled during the game but didnā€™t receive the funds back yet, please assistā€¦ Reference #20031131867673

@Johnnh, welcome to the Community, and the wager is already settled as ā€˜No Actionā€™.

@BRowe21, Welcome to the Community as well, weā€™ll take a look into this and PM you with further details. Note, that as per the wager details we only follow the listed trading on https://finance.yahoo.com/ .

@BRowe21, the wager has now been resettled.

Hi! I placed wager #20031131833281 on the total volume of the S&P 500 market for 31 March 2020 (bet = over 4.8 billion shares). This wager was graded as a loss, but when I checked the finance.yahoo.com site for that market (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EGSPC/history?p=%5EGSPC), it appears that the total volume for 31 March was 6.568 billion shares so the over bet should have won.

I am new to this financial market stuff so maybe Iā€™m looking at the wrong data sourceā€“could you please take a look and let me know if this wager was settled correctly (and if so, what the correct website is thatā€™s used for wager grading)?

Thanks very much for your timeā€“definitely appreciate you guys finding alternate stuff for us to wager on now that sports are goneā€¦


@randneo weā€™ll look into this and PM you with any details we find shortly.