Wager Settlements

Can you please settle this wager from a game yesterday:

Ref. 20121231129383

Hi @hcohen1414,

We have escalated the Wager to our Sports Team now.

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Thank you, Jasmine!

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Wager settled now :slight_smile:

Thank you!!

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@Matty_Bovada settled - thank you!

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Hi Jasmine,

Any chance you could take a look at and grade Ref. 20121231473457 ?


Another wager not settled when it was completed. Please look into and credit my account

@chrisblyth23 We’ll have a look into the wager

Ref 20121231530802

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Sorry for the late response @chrisblyth23, your wager was settled.

Any chance someone could look into ref. 20121231411436? I believe I took the South Dakota under at 73.5 and they scored 71. Thank you!

Hi @thomas-shao,

I will send you a PM with more info.

Ref. 20121231934530

I’ll have it checked

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Wager not settled. Ref no 20121232218898

Hi @chrismaboh,

Wager Reference Number 20121232218898, has been settled now. Congrats on your winnings :slight_smile:

@moderators could I please get some assistance in having wager#20121232456692 graded asap?

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Ref. 20121232400935 Graded wrong. 3 weeks in a row Bovada has done this. Please take care of it

Can you please this wager, it was marked a win and then changed to unsettled:

Ref. 20121233406799
