Wager Settlements

I’m checking with our Sports Team right now, will provide an update as soon as I receive a response.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Presidential Election Wager Questions

Placed a wager back in May on Washington to have more than 5.5 wins. Caught some heat on here bc I wanted the bet changed to Washington Football Team, as it says Washington RED***** on the ticket. Bovada said the name meant nothing for the bet, but it’s not settled as of now. Can one of the mods clarify and get the season win total settled in my account for me?

Should be settled shortly :slight_smile:

Ref. 20121234607750. Could you please get this settled? Thank you!

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@buckjackr Looks settled now

Ref. 20121234947311

I’m checking on it right now.

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Got it thanks

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Reference number 20121235126104

I’m checking on this right now.

The wager has been settled.

Can you check this Ref. PROPS-11553996

Not sure why but prop bets seem to take the longest.

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What’s up with the cash out for the USCvOregon game?

@moderators can you please help with having wager # 20121236307770 graded? Should be ready to be graded a win!!

Checking for you now

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It is graded now. Thanks @Matty_Bovada

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Can you please pay out my over 100 yards rushing in packers panthers bet . Trying to make others bets

Looks like it was paid out.

Please grade 20121237451032