Wager Settlements

Please take a look at these documents about the rules and regulations on the ITTF.


Section 2.11
2.11 A GAME
2.11.1 A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.

7th set was won by one point on my wager.

@Mnsouthern Iā€™ve sent you a PM with full game details as it was played in full.

Hi Guys - could you take a look at the following wagers:

Ref. 20041133130535
Ref. 20041133141176
Ref. 20041133129187
Ref. 20041133137642

Team Unique beat Alliance in Game 2 which makes these winning wagers. I also watched this entire series live, fwiw. Let me know if I can provide anything else. Thanks!

Corrections to map 2 were made.

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That was quick! Thanks for the assist Matty I appreciate it.

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A post was split to a new topic: How to get a Voucher approved

Hey Folks - these wagers were just unsettled & iā€™m not sure why as they were previously graded correctly. Could you take a look?

Ref. 20041133183014
Ref. 20041133186443


I see that the second wager has been settled again.

Iā€™ll send you a PM regarding the #20041133183014

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#20041133257207 has been done for quite some time, should be graded a win. Thanks

This has since been settled - sorry for the wait!

I have a 2k bet that won but is still pending. Can admin push it through please?

Hey @DaygoDawg10, that wager has since been settled! Let us know if you need help with anything else.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

20041133561800 is my ref. #vouchers
Bet $11.26 on an esport and when I was following it love it showed as a winā€¦

The game ended and says finalā€¦ then it was not credited as a win. Can you please look over that? Thank you

@ToysRuS, Weā€™re going to PM you regarding this wager.

Why do some matches stay open for an hour after theyā€™re done? Just curious

Out of curiosity are these matches youā€™ve won and are awaiting payment? It happens to me all the time but I think its just the fact that there hadnā€™t been confirmation on the final score. Itā€™s sometimes difficult to find scores on these international games at times.

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Yeah thats it. They just sit there with a final score but donā€™t actually close and therefore my win doesnā€™t process.

@Andytmartin7, while our Sports Team does do itā€™s best to settle wagers as quickly as possible it does happen where they might take longer than you or we for that matter would like.

Also, many times it is based on our Book Managerā€™s trying to find official sources and scores as @Kman0207 said.

Gotcha, thanks!

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