20 cent big win

• What are your initials? PMT(Corebuyer)
• How long have you been with us? 10+ yr
• What was your winning game and amount?$142 (714x$)
• Was this your first big win online? Heck no
• How will you be spoiling yourself with your winnings? 15 min


Lmao congrats

It is funny. I got real wins if you rather see 30k wins or 7k 14k 5 k but this was a realistic fun win on .20 cents ya know.


Yeah post the 30k and 14k win

Wat games you play


Why are you doing the whole question answer thing on a win like this lol. I’ve hit $850 on $20 buys before, 1,000x or more probably 15-20 times since I started playing them… this is unnecessary haha it’s pretty common

Just sayin


They just kept giving you those in the same session?

Wow the 1400 dollar win on an 80 cent bet is epic

Within one weekend I think I took out $6,000 doing these. Definitely got me hooked though and I’m not winning anymore. But yeah every buy was like free money and they shut it down completely after that

Well that’s cool it was all buys huh? That’s cool they left it on all weekend. I can tell my casino on sometimes but never more then 20 min maybe and if I do get a semi hit it’s turned right off. That’s awesome though sucks you gave it back.

Usually that’s how mine it, casino will be on an entire weekend and all of a sudden it’s dead and doesn’t hit again for a month or two. I play pretty much daily and my biggest wins have all come over the span of a weekend

I went to look at some photos just to see if that held true with my experience. Weekends are a decent batch (had to be Sunday too) but believe it or not Thursday is my day apparently lol

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Just hit this let’s goo


Good hit keep it coming!!

Got another 1000x. Accidentally spun again before I could screenshot


I usually play Reel&Wheels XL, 10times Vegas, Dragons(my go 2 fav), diamonds&cherries, golden gorilla, 10times, and if feeling real froggy I may hit firestorm 7’s, and of course this game I won on.

It was just a dang ? Wanted to see how folks do on other games that I haven’t tried. Thanks tho

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Still hot let’s gooo $.20 cent bet


Cool I will be playing ornw