2nd annual Bovada NCAABB pick em

Hey yall

Bovada has once again agreed to let me put together and run a college basketball community comp that will run starting this week through the men’s college basketball regular season

Here’s how it’s going to work

Starting next week on every Tuesday im going to post 25 mens college basketball games that will occur Thursday through Sunday if that week

Your only job is to pick the winner if each game

I’m going to track everyone picks and post results

Top 3 each week will get paid

1st 60
2nd 30
3rd 10

But here’s the cool part

We will do picks like this for 4 weeks and ill keep a running tally of everyone total through the first 4 weeks

After that we will have our Bovada NCAA tournament

The top 16 players who had the most pts through the first 4 weeks will be seeded by where they finished on points ( in the event of a tie we will have a play in tourney on Mon-Wed before the tourney starts )

1 vs 16
2 vs 15

And so on. Just like the real tourney

You will pick the games i post here that week and if you win your matchup you advance AND get 25 bucks

The next week we will do the Elite 8 abd if you win your matchup you advance AND win 50 bucks

Then on the last week we will have our Bovada Final 4 where all 4 people will compete vs each other to win the title, the bragging rights AND

1st 350
2nd 200
3rd 100
4th 50

You don’t need to do anything other than get your picks in on time. I will post them each week on Tuesday and they will need to be in by Thursday at 5 PM EST

Let’s win some money! Have some fun AND try to win a title! Total prize pull is 1500.

Please not this year I’m starting earlier than last year. I’m doing this so we have ample games to pick from, to make picking and tracking easier and to hopefully ramp up excitemenr for the real tourney which will start right after ours ends

Good luck to everyone

@Mikey_Bovada please move to comps


Yay thank you so Much @Rmilia1 for commissioning this and thank you Bovada for the prize pool! Loved this one last year!


sounds like fun…


Pretty, pretty pretty good @Rmilia1


What’s the point this thing is rigged people don’t get their picks on time and still get credit for it then you have others that copy people’s picks and to top it off the guy running this makes it to final SMFH

Whats your problem man? He has every right to play it. We can see his picks so we know hes not cheating. If you do t want to participate dont but dont knock him. He is taking his own personal time for us

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If I’m rigging it i suck bad since I’ve won one of the 6 I’ve done and didn’t even make the playoffs in 3 of the 6 lol

That said i will happily exclude you for your own mental well being @Israel88

No one needs to get so worked up over a free comp that they’re not responsible for anything other than making picks

I’ve made a note to not include you so you don’t have to worry


Sounds fun and thanks for the chance for some free $$! @Rmilia1 thanks for all you do.

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You got it buddy

You guys may need to be patient with me a I’m not sure if @StndrDeviant is helping me out this year or not

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Count me in!! This is awesome!!

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He can’t control who actually wins the basketball game??? That’s the only way he could cheat…. That’s a weird comment bro.

Love this! Appreciate you @Rmilia1 for organizing this

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Man i wish i could though lol


Just a suggestion, if you could somehow do the picks similar to how the soccer competition predictor picks are done where each person selects a team using the voting buttons (for each matchup) i think you would get a lot more participation and it would be virtually impossible to copy another individuals’ picks. It’s also easier to submit on mobile devices as trying to write a reply takes up the entire screen… just my two cents. Thanks for volunteering @Rmilia1 and for thinking of a creative way for the community to get free bonuses :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :raised_hands:

Problem is then I’m asking the mods to do work

And the reason they let me run these is there’s no work involved for them

I’m totally open to doing a button if anyone knows how to do that without needing the mods to do anything

I know it would save me a ton of time having to tabulate everything lol


Ah i see your point. I wonder if us community members even have that type of website permissions… might be a mod only type thing

That’s my guess

I’m more than happy. MORE THAN HAPPY. To have someone else keep track of the scores

If that makes everyone feel better

I, in my humble and benevolent altruism will be totally fine with someone else spending hours each week totaling everything up

Im nice like that lol


lol I do not volunteer as tribute


IMO you are just fine, don’t get caught up on a single bitter chatter. You post your picks ahead of time like everyone else, you publicly post the Totals based on the winners, it’s all info that’s posted in the thread so anyone can do it and verify it, so @Israel88 's accusation really falls flat. Rigging by totaling data we all have the same access to? Unless he is saying you are rigging the Sporting Events themselves… In which case, we need to chat :slightly_smiling_face:

But really Vegas has already perfected rigging the Sporting Events… :rofl: