Anyone Buy/Sell/Trade Pokemon Cards?

As a kid in 1999-2000, I obsessively completed full sets of Base, Fossil, Jungle… kept a ton of unopened packs too. Sold a 1st Ed Base Set booster for $2,200 last week. Have another on eBay trending a bit higher.

I was at target a couple months ago and saw they sell a bunch of new stuff, I haven’t paid attention in 20 years, but bought a pack and I’m hooked again – been buying/selling/trading a ton of different sets. Would value my collection around $45,000-$50k.

Anyone else here into it?

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What’s ur eBay name…I buy cards…what u got for packs? Any prices on selling them…earliest the better as long as they’re not weighed n all the holo packs gone

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Sold most of my base sets offline, but still have three left.

How much u asking for each Sean…my 10 year olD loves pokemon

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Your profile pic is literally cards. That’s awesome.

When I get home I’ll check em out and give you a price. I think I have two blastoise and a venusaur left.

Got some graded a couple months ago


Man never was into trading wid cards but these pokemon 1st gen brings back so many good memories damn where did our child hood went

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Uh… my mom tossed out all my cards, I had a few mint charzards

Oh no! That’s rough

2 pages full of them, in a binder, probably 80-90k in todays price

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Man I was big into that stuff but eventually moved on to Magic the gathering as I got older. But I got a bunch of hot wheels I’m trying to sell or trade for some stuff

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I buy Pokémon stuff

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Sorry man, can’t sell to a hawks fan.

A shame :cry: Lol

Cannot create new replies or message to continue conversation @Mikey_Bovada Please help me out

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Building any particular sets? I have a ton of base, rocket, gym heroes, legendary reverse holos, XY and SWSH stuff

Love the reverse holos! Have to figure out which I’m missing

Edit: @Mikey_Bovada still won’t let me reply. Says for 22 hours

@Mikey_Bovada Sorry to bug you just cant do anything

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Same! Legendary and Evolutions are the ■■■■ing best

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For the cost of one legendary pack you can buy an entire evolutions booster box lol

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You should be all good now.

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I saw a notification and thought Mikey was getting in on the Pokémon action.