Big Win New Slot! Grand Jackpot Crystals on Fire

• What are your initials? JD
• How long have you been with us? About 1 year consistantly, played here in the past
• What was your winning game and amount? Crystals on Fire - 5,000 Grand Jackpot
• Was this your first big win online? No I have won 6k before on a heart slot, cant remember the name :slight_smile:
• How will you be spoiling yourself with your winnings? Paying off my car!!!


God hit 2 jackpots in one year is awesome. I wish I can get one 13 years. That game Is fun!


There’s something about this game. I played it yesterday. Didn’t win big, but it didn’t cause me not to wanna play it again.

Congrats on your win! :tada:

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Congrats on the win.


I hit it again LOL :slight_smile: All my luck is gone


Oh man I envy you! This is awesome! Twice within 2 weeks! :clap::clap::clap::clap: Let me see you do it again! :sweat_smile:

I have had a huge night in the ole casino lol


Love it mag! Way to go!

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Dame you only been playing a year. You have alot of hits bro congrats. You just must have really good luck because I can’t even get ahead 100$. I play a crap load also so some accounts just got That bovada love. 000$$ thats they way it is now.

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Lol I played this yesterday and hit 120 only :joy::laughing:

At @Mikey_Bovada please fix my approve post this never happened

We are not seeing any issues on our end. Your post is already approved.

Why do I need my post to be approved for a response

For this particular thread every post has to be approved, there is nothing wrong with your account.

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Thank you for the response thought it was my account

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Dont be fooled, I have had my share of massive losses hahaha


Haven’t we all :sweat_smile: But hey, can’t win if we don’t play.

Yea but at least you have wins. At this point in the casino I just wanna play my balance been going straight to 0$ with no big wins are big withdrawals in awhile. You havery like 6 big hits in a year. That’s crazy to me when I see how my account does. Hopefully my luck changes I say that every deposit though. It’s just stinks because it goes so quick lately.

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It always blows my mind see people that hit big wins somewhat consistently, and then other accounts that can’t hit anything for months on end or ever…