Bug in new craps game

We genuinely hope to make this right for you and help you feel appreciated. However, when there are no updates, our hands are tied. We must wait alongside you before we can take any further action.

I understand that and im apprecative of what yall have done so far to help. But that doesnt make up for cs reps lieing to me for 4 days about having and reviewing the video when it wasnt even attached to my escalation and the the lack of urgency handling it after that is hard to not be mad about. I had to contact cs multiple times that day because they told me everything was correct. Even used my own funds to record a video to show that it was an issue and was happening and how it happens. All it took was a 10 second recording to show it happen and its still being investigated 14 days later. I mean its already been a week since paul attached the video for me after 4 days of being told it was received attached and being reviewed

Still no update?

This is a problem that is still currently happening in the game. I just had it happen again. Something needs to be done about this and i want my money. Its been way to long and who knows how much money has been stolen from people without them even noticing

I can tell you exactly how it happens. If you cant fix it take the game down but either way this is getting rediculous.

This has been sent to the vendor for investigation.