Football Runner Week 4 Results

@Paul_Bovada @Maeve_Bovada @James ehen will the results be posted for week 5? And when will they be posted for week 6? And I never got payed for week 5?

The results will be posted when they are made available, I assume we don’t have them yet.

Crazy how it’s 8 days after week 5 results should have been posted, I thought I won week 5, still haven’t received anything or any confirmation that I won. Now week 6 results are supposed to be posted today and we’re still waiting on week 5? I mean who’s running this competition? You’ve got the same cheaters every week allowed to play and you guys can’t even post the scores in a reasonable time. Why put on a competition if it’s not going to be run correctly? I understand the first week or two figuring things out but to be in done with week 6 still waiting for week 5 results and now week six results too is wild.

We had to scrub the leaderboard quite a bit, as there were multiple entries that we needed to remove. Unfortunately, you did not make the top final top 50, and I will share the updated leaderboard soon. Thank you for your patience.

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