Golden Savanna Super Jackpot! 235k!

He’s referencing posts like this and explaining why he just joined the community, and you don’t need to be a community member to see naysayer posts on other platforms, like with any other online casino.

Thanks for taking the time @Locnar, and congrats again!

I know long time members who have won big jackpots ( 6 figures plus )

To be frank a lot of them don’t want it known here they win huge because the beggars come out

People are much more comfortable asking for “a hookup” from someone they’ve had interaction with


By the way Rob - can you borrow me $50 - I will pay you back $250 when I get paid this week! I swear!

100% joking - don’t want to get kicked out of forum if mods don’t understand a joke.


Jwrobel. Had that happen to me with a guy named J Bridges on here. Never paid me back

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This looks like it’s play money. Notice how there’s no dollar sign at the front. There’s always a $ in real money


I haven’t won anything lately but congratulations to u!!

I hope I win one to shut up the naysayers lol

Yeah u have never won before

Amazing win!!! So very happy for you. :slight_smile: And quite honestly, screw anybody who tries to doubt you or question you - YOU KNOW THE TRUTH. That is what is important. Those kinds of people are just jealous and it’s a very ugly thing to witness. Keep a smile on your face, with your head held high - and don’t let anybody get you down. Thanks for sharing your beautiful win with us! Stay golden~

Looks like you and several others need to work on your reading comprehension skills. Guess I’ll say it again…when you win big, they reach out to you directly. By phone and email. To help with cashing out if you’re new to crytpo. And THEY ASK YOU TO COMPLETE THIS SURVEY!


That’s why these posts come out of nowhere.
No, I was never active on the forums, just thought it was the least I could do. I’m sure it’s the same for many others.

Good luck!

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I believe this to be true. Congrats.

congrats my guy! been playing end of some hours for awhile

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Where are all the big winners. Someone’s winning the Mega and Vegas in Reels and Wheels XL every few days

@Tjack22 not all of them are part of the forum and not all of them want to share their wins publicly.

@Dominic_Bovada i know what you mean. I’m not doibting the validity of the big wins, it’s just more trying to persuade the big winners to post. Helps give hope to the rest of us


Winners could very well be from a sister site too.

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