Site Stability Updates - 2

Moderators sure a quiet about it too. They gonna ride it out in hopes we forget

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So many noobs in this thread posting convos with CS not understanding what’s going on. Those reps inability to communicate clearly + all you noobs out there who don’t understand context = misunderstandings. The reps are referring to the small bonus that was granted last week when saying “compensation has already been given.” No one is lying to you. More compensation appears imminent according to the mods. Just not until everything is cleared.


They are quiet because they’ve already answered all your questions and reply to your complaining there’s nothing else for them to say you just don’t wanna accept the Information you can provide


@Ryan_Bovada @Matty_Bovada @Paul_Bovada Can you please provide a more clear timeline?


That’s what I’ve been pointing out for about a week now, CS agents don’t just say “we don’t have more information at this time”

They make a deliberate point to say that no compensation is coming or will ever come, as the old saying goes, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”

I think we were able to ascertain his feelings the first 100 times he posted the same thing. Each post calling everyone else who doesn’t believe what he does names… I think there is definitely more constructive avenues.

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Just out of curiosity, what is the answer you want? Because I feel that is the only answer you will believe.

The question is asked. A mod gives you their best guess time-line answer and your response is “highly doubt it”. If you aren’t going to believe the answer, why keep asking the question?


Thanks and I appreciate your response back. As for everything it’s been a long minute now and I’m not sure what is going on with your network but I will have my lawyer check in with you if the situation continues to be put off.

Speech incoming…… I present to you moderator 1

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We don’t have necessarily a clear timeline, but as stated above (I understand this has gotten lost) we are likely looking at something this week if everything stays on track. We are definitely not just looking past this or hoping everyone forgets.


Please please will answer questions you sir in the back

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I’m going to reach out and follow up with this agent. I think they meant to just say ‘at the moment’, meaning that it will be in the future, but obviously weren’t very clear.

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I’ve dropped over 15,000 in bitcoins and I have no problem dropping 15 more. Fix your network and be a man of your word and compensate us all who have been playing and loyal to your casino. We have one life to live I don’t know about you but when I go to sleep I love to say that I live my life according to my word for truth and love is all we got so thank you bovado and please compensate us all for it’s not ours it’s yours your word is all you got one love and remember Jesus lives


Next question you sir with the eye patch

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All the ones I have talked to have said the same. No compensation will be given

This definitely isn’t correct. Something will eventually be issued. I can assure you that we wouldn’t have sent out account messages stating so if we didn’t plan to provide something. Again if you do have agents advise you of this you can always PM us. And we’ll be sure to follow up.


Once again, there are probably no timelines given because it’s a wait and see type of situation. They are monitoring the system to ensure that everything is back to normal. Now, if it wasn’t for @Ryan_Bovada fat fingers and his clumsy self spilling his coffee all over the control panel while looking at pictures in Maxim, we wouldn’t have this thread. I’m guessing things should wrap up this week hopefully, as the site does seem to be functioning normal.


Ok last question here have a meeting to attend and obviously you are not listening to my reply yes there will be compensation now you miss lady with red hair question please

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Any idea on ranges so I know what level of rioting I need to do :joy:

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You should be able to answer that yourself have they a idea when compensation will be given ? So how would he no the amount let’s crawl before running

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