Wager Settlement Issues

That is an unbelievably bad beat, but thanks for the clarification. Yuck!

I do same on Twitch? I always google translate “encourage” to them. They work for the man… if you feel me ( rumor has it)

I won this nfl wager but Bovada counted it as a loss. How do I get this corrected?

  • Other
11/8/201:29 PM
  • Over 51.5 (-115) Seattle Seahawks @ Buffalo Bills|

We don’t see any wager with for an over 51.5 in this game. However, if it is the one for Cole Beasley, he only had 39 yards unfortunately.

If not, can we have a wager reference number please?

Hello moderators - could someone take a look at this wager? Ref: 20111214009528

According to the play-by-play game log, the first penalty was committed by Jax at 14.25 of Q2 - https://www.espn.com/nfl/playbyplay?gameId=401220194

Believe my wager should be graded as a win as my bet was on the first team to commit a penalty is Jax.

Thank you.

@mca311, I’m checking on this will provide an update once received.

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@mca311, The wager has now been resettled.

Welcome buddy. Based on the little info I read, you may of had a diff bet. Bc it’s very rare overs are missed

Ref 20111214832099

I was told bc they started the drive on the 25 and ended on the 29 that’s why this was a loss. Literally no NFL statistical group counts total drive yards this way. All counted this as a 23 yard drive. As fumble recovery yards don’t count against drive yards. This a little silly.

It was settled as a loss because it started on the NO 25 and the drive ended on the NO 39 when Brees fumbled, meaning that the drive was only 14 yards.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Presidential Election Wager Questions

I put coastal Carolina in a parlay before knowing they got postponed how would that effect my parlay today ?

Hi @bigcorey123456789,

In this case the parlay will still stand and it will change from an 11 Team Parlay to a 10 Team parlay.

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Thank you !!!

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Pending wager needs cashed Ref. 20111217115160
Called earlier was told i had to wait till end of game for my wager to be graded which was settled mid way through the first quarter. told nothing else could be done even though these bets always cash right away… anyways game been over now, all other bets from game have processed and im still waiting.

I’ll have it checked now

Hey guys can I get wager #20111217691632 graded? Thanks!

Checking with the Sports Team will keep you posted.

The wager is now settled.