Wager Settlement Issues

Ref. 24041932715943

Match over please grade

Checking on this right now.

Seems like thereā€™s a delay in settling horse wagers.
Havenā€™t bet a race in a while but remember that wagers
would settle before the next race ran. Have 2 wagers
sitting for 30 minutes now.
Not a big deal. Just didnā€™t know if this was the norm now?

It does appear that we had some issues that appear to have now been sorted.

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Please grade Ref. 24041933217328

Checking on the wager right now.

The wager has been settled.

24041933272476 please settle now Mikey itā€™s the 6th inning now @Mikey_Bovada @Brooke_Bovada

Checking on this wager right now.

pleasee settle these

Ref. 24041933143835
Ref. 24041933219564

@shebawyd both wagers have been settled.

@Tdyz_123, the wager has been settled.

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are they gonna be counted as wins

will they be counted as win now?

I recently just placed a bet on a third quarter basketball game, Maroussi Athens vs Lavrio with the odds of maroussi to win the third quarter at +115 odds which they did 64-53, i have evidence and everything. i placed a moneyline bet, i need to talk to someone as soon as possible.

here is the reference number

Ref. 24041933143835

Checking the scores.

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The wager is correctly settled as a 3rd quarter bet on counts the points from the start to the end of the 3rd quarter. Not the entire game please see below:


Ref. PROPS-147907261 Hello I won this bet on 4/11/24 and it still hasnā€™t been settled please assist thanks.

@RB2146 this has been escalated, will let you know once update is available.

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@RB2146 this has been now settled, thanks for your patience.

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