Wager Settlement Issues

If you guys won’t change mistakes, at least give us some sort of option to verify the wager before it’s submitted. What you’re telling me is that as soon as I click “Place Bets”, I’m done no matter what, even though you mobile UI is garbage and quite conducive to having mistakes happen.

I understand your frustration in this situation for sure but I don’t necessarily agree with your assessment of the UI.

Ultimately we would advise to ensure when you’re clicking the ‘place bets’ button that you are assured of the wager you’re making, especially if it’s a live wager as we can’t cancel or modify any wager that’s already started and can’t make exceptions on these.

All that being said, I can provide feedback to the Sports Team in regards to this and will do so.

You guys just screwed me out of $742.50 even though I’ve dumped thousands upon thousands of dollars on this site. I asked for a wager to be fixed, but your lack of reading comprehension thought I asked for it to be settled. How the hell are you going to grade a bet during the middle of a race? And what you offer me is providing feedback to the Sports Team? How’s this for feedback.

Tell the Sports Team that they just lost a long time customer that isn’t necessarily a good gambler, what makes them a pretty good customer for a sports book, when all they had to do was take my $82.50 loss instead of screwing me out of the other $742.50 that they surely would have gotten from me in other ways.

@rezin8, I do apologize for delaying in realizing what you wanted. Also, as a moderator I’m not watching every single race or game that players can bet on and so didn’t realize this was an ongoing race. However, ultimately as it was a live bet I wouldn’t have been able to change the wager regardless.

Yeah, well, sometimes you guys should think what’s more important. That single $825 wager now, or the over 500 that I’ve made just on football alone in this season. Sounds like Bovada has a lot to learn about customer retention.

My parlay using the Colts over 25.5 marks that bet as loss–they scored 26. What gives??

I’d like to have a look can you please provide the wager reference number.

Sorry, here it is–never had a problem like this before.


Sorry, here it is–never had a problem like this before.


Having a look right now.

Thank you. I still need the Rams to come through, so maybe I am dead anyway. :joy:

Upon review of the wager it shows that the wager is correctly settled. It shows that you selected over 25.5 for Huston Texans as per the wager details. Since they scored 20, the wager settled checks out.

They scored 26. Go to ESPN.


@KingoGondo, You unfortunately seem to have chosen the Texans and not the Colts in this case.

You are absolutely right–I mismarked it, not you. My mistake. Sorry! Thank you for your patience.

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my transaction says i lost the bet for Derick Carr to score a touchdown. Anyone have clarification?

@JordanSutton, Welcome to the Community!

I’ll be escalating this to the Sports Team now.

thank you very much