Wager Settlement Issues

Never mind resolved

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I’m still waiting on this one but got another void last night on a Zion points prop where it’s listed as an over 28. But I picked it from the prop builder on Sunday night when over/unders weren’t an option yet (only at least bets), so 28 should cash instead or void. For instance, I placed 3 other bets at the same time from the same place (Tatum, Brown, and Ingram) and all those had .5s to indicate that it was an “at least __ points” type of bet

Ref. PROPS-17444584

This wager Ref. PROPS-17444584 was void as it was 28, not over so its a push in effect.

I placed it from the prop builder screen like this (different game obviously), so it should’ve been listed as at least 28 points or over 27.5 like the other ones that I placed at the same time from the same screen. Over/unders weren’t an option yet, as they typically aren’t the night before a game. So when you click a number, if the player gets that number, it’s a win and not a push.

@ClubCracker Ultimately this isn’t what is in the wager details and we can only go by what we see. The wager is Zion will score over 28 points and this wasn’t the case.

If you had a screenshot showing the actual wager you placed being different we would look further into it but ‘No Action’ does seem to be the correct grading here unfortunately.

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I get you, it sucks for me but I understand why your hands are tied. Thanks for looking into it and responding. Any word on the other parlay I referenced in my above post?

I’m looking into this now as well.

Apologies for the delay @ClubCracker

On review it seems that unfortunately the rules for these type of parlays through the Prop Builder are as follows:

In order to see the specific Prop Builder rules, you can click on the circled ‘i’ beside ‘build your bet’ and then ‘More help, FAQ, rules’ at the bottom. This will bring you to the actual prop builder rules.

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Can you please check ref 21031296743508
Match was finished about 45 minutes ago. Thank you :blush:

@Kman0207 I’ll check for you

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Thank you very much Matty

It’s settled now @Kman0207

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Thank you Matty. Appreciate it.

Gotcha. Seems weird to me that it would be like that but good to know. Thanks

Rita hart conceded today dropping all challenges. Please finally grade the iowa 2 race. Thanks

Hi @Mets1191,

Please provide the wager reference number for us to have a look.

Rita hart conceded today dropping all challenges. Please finally grade the iowa 2 race. Thanks

Looking now.


Seems it’s been settled now @Mets1191