Wager Settlement Issues

I currently have a negative balance for my account. Not sure how that is possible. Can you please investigate when you have a moment.

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Ref. 20051136820586 can you grade the following match for me please.


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The following match was stopped or had an issue and hasn’t resumed in the last couple of hours. Can you provide and update on what is happening and when the game will be resolved.


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Second on mendes match. Looks like it got interrupted with no signs of continuing. Can I get it as a push on Ref. 20051136929228 @moderators

Hey guys, apologies for the delay - these wagers have both now been settled as ‘No Action’.

20051137483634 - graded wrong. Could you look into it please

This has since been fixed for you.

Can I get a status update on whats happening with table tennis match Hiromi Yokoyama vs Leandro Pereira? No information on this match anywhere. Assuming it was canceled? It was supposed to start at 07:00 cst. Been over 5 hours now and still hasn’t been graded. Thanks.

@Kgpjr1, we’re looking into this now and will PM you shortly.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

20051137935319- I placed this parlay with the score in the fifth being 9-8 my guy. That point was then reversed and given to the other guy. Any chance you can help me out and give me my money back?

Hey @moderators my Arlovski live bet was just graded as a loss. Can I get this looked into Ref. 20051137997977

@Andytmartin7, I will take a look at your wager’s details and I’ll send you a PM shortly with more information.

@rpgray apologies for the delay - this wager was later re-settled.

So stupid. You grade 20051137895332 as a winner. I lose some in casino. Then poker. Then you reverse and make a loser. Giving me negative balnce. Cant wait when all wagers graded and moving on. Bs.

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@Redwood, Sorry to hear of any issues you’re having.

We’ll look into this and PM you shortly.

hi can a moderator check my account please…

ufc fight, i live took arlovski to win… he won by decison… it says its a loss…

i have bets for both fighters to win and it says neither person won…

I just got screwed to

Now can’t bet the Borg fight