Wager Settlement Issues

Hey @atlsutiger, I’ll check on those wagers and I’ll let you know once I get an update on them.

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These have been re-settled accordingly now @atlsutiger, apologies for the delay.

I really appreciate the assistance!

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I have a wager ref. 20031131772610, that was graded as a push.
I have checked the final results and it should have been a win (especially since you can’t push since i took the under at 42.5 points). You can’t push a half point.

Please review and respond. Much appreciated!

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We’ll take a look into this and PM you with details shortly.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Did anybody else bet on the Tom Brady prop bet? The prop said the first to report the terms of his new contract would win.

I bet Adam Schefter. He turned out to be the first to report the contract, and Bovada marked it as a loss anyway!

Welcome to the community @stephenja! We’ll check this prop wager with our Sports team and we’ll let you know once we get an update.

Hey there. A while back a placed a bet that wrestemania would not be cancelled or rescheduled. Any reason why there would be a result - no action?

Welcome @Oleboykabelo :slight_smile:

This line was settled as No Action as the event was moved to another venue.

Oh I see! That makes sense

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Please check wager Ref. 20041132449100
Draw graded as a loss.
Also have three other wins graded as loss
Ref. 20041132443868.

Ref. 20041132406866

Ref. 20041132408731

@Romeo847, welcome to the Community. Upon review, all 4 of these wagers were correctly graded as losses. We have PM’ed you with details and links to these decisions.

3 team parlay

Ref # 20041132508230

Listed as loss but your site and others showed all 3 games as wins

Please rectify

I’ll send you a PM regarding the settlement of this wager.

I placed two bets that there would be a winner on Saturdays lottery Powerball jackpot. We now know that someone did win but I have not received any winnings and it says loss on my report. Its a pretty simple bet, either someone wins the jackpot or they don’t. SOMEONE DID!! Yet it says loss. Can anyone help me understand

Welcome @WILCAL123

The wager was settled as a loss as the $180,000,000 jackpot wasn’t won last Saturday.

Hey @moderators can I get Ref. 20041132652126 reviewed. Begrip did indeed play and I can DM the results page if needed.

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@rpgray, We’re looking into this, and we’ve sent you a PM requesting further information.