Wager Settlements

wager yet to be settled ref numbers 20121227174795,
20121227174929, 20121227176390

I’m on it right now, will keep you posted.


Thank you. Is there any chance you could grade Ref. 20121227393930?


I answered in the other thread.

Thanks but out of the 3 wagers only 1 got graded. Ref no 20121227174929 and ref no 20121227176390
Are yet to be graded

Should be sorted now, sorry about that!

Get a couple of wagers not settled ref no 20121227550415
Ref no 20121227552336

Hi @chrismaboh,

We have escalated the Wagers now to our Sports Team, for settlement.

Hi @chrismaboh,

Wagers settled now :slight_smile:

Wager with reference ID: 20121227685252 has finished but winnings not posted to my account @moderators

@chrisblyth23 I’ll have a look

@moderators could you please look into wager ref #20121227603296 for me please. Their group has been done playing for quite some time. Should be graded as a win. Thank you in advance!!

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I’ll check now

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That’s a great name by the way!! Thank you

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It is settled now, thank you sir

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Wager not settled ref no 20121227732616

Having a look right now.

The wager has been settled.

Guys, can you settle 20121227997253. FP2 ended over an hour ago… this is really getting old.

EDIT: Thanks.

Wager completed but not graded @moderators

Ref 20121228089598