Football Runner Week 12 Results

Are hackers taking legit players names and placing them on the leaderboard with bogus scores??? Over 10 players that I thought were legit players are on this leader board with a bogus score. I need answers


Bruh you scoring 6 million 9 hundred thousand points now?? :rofl::rofl: Check the leaderboard

I donā€™t even know if I should try and beat my 785 score for the week lol this is insane :sob: ppl are really screwing up this great competition

Yo wtf why is your name there now at 6 mill plus and so is bravecorgi wtf is going on

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Some weird $#@& going on


Are you going to take care of the obvious cheating going on with the leader board this week? Love to play, but not sure if itā€™s worth playing if this is the case. Thanks for everything you have done for us who are fans of the game.


Now we got some people posting if you guys dont complain there going to sit on this :laughing: thatā€™s good though you all know I didnā€™t cheat. Thatā€™s guy tcouch was on there yesterday and i didnā€™t think he did either. Trust me I wouldnā€™t be a loud mouth like that if I was cheating. I have know clue what bovada can tell or not on there end. Obviously not much though lol. Supposedly itā€™s a multi- million dollar company your telling me you canā€™t put securityinto a game that can block the most simplest hack. I wish they would already comment on it though itā€™s WAY OVERDUE. I mean this is not that hard to fix I have a solution and I donā€™t even work there. Itā€™s like just tell me already if I wastes hrs on hrs playing to get good so I can win prizes coming up. Looks like there giving them away now to random people In there December giveaway lol. Obviously whoever it is wants us to be totally confused for whatever reason i would of thought the hackers would of moved on why are they even Messing with it still ? I mean or they that ā– ā– ā– ā– ing board :thinking: Thanks James I received the voucher. P.s I would of put myself in first lol.

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Is anyone wasting their time playing this week? :sob:

Screenshot it. I mean I would think they are still keeping it going. They are just trying to figure out some stuff probably.

Yes I have. Frustrating not knowing where I placed or even if my score is recorded. This is a great promotion with potentially great rewards especially around Christmas. Gotta be as frustrating for bovada, like this is something they donā€™t have to do. I think there should be a strategic registration process next time for something like this. I think thatā€™ll cut out %90 of the bs weā€™re seeing.

This is a great promotion with great prizes coming up. This is probably frustrating for them also. Why so silent about it though. I mean you cant say nothing at all at least acknowledge they know there is even a problem this week because they have not said nothing. I just pray i did not waste my time getting this good because obviously i know what was coming up. I know its free but also peoples time is valuable its the only thing in this world you cant get back. Plus there is no way there 50 hackers this is is probably 2 are 3 people doing this as we can see with them just posting any names now.

hey how did you score 6 million points?

I am a beast in it lol. Obviously the haker just fills in random names over and over on the scorecard. Which bovda should be able to see the phone plus location of all this being done at.

This is a joke , now ppl with over a million scores now ?? This is like the miner game. Not even worth playing anymore

That was not me. Wonder what email these guys are putting in for these names.

Yea your right they would have to have a valid email. Are they really that board there making emails i dont understand why as a person you would even do this now that your not evening getting anything out of it. Would be a Shame if bovada kept a couple of simple hacks and lowlifes to mess it up.

Lol I just saw that I am winning the current week of Football Runner which is hilarious because I havenā€™t even played it this week yet. @James Iā€™ll be impressed if whoever posted that score also got my full name and email address correct.

@James where do we email our real scores so that you can real top50?

This is one person doing this stupid shit!

@James I play every single week. But with all these scores in the millions by cheaters. How am I supposed to earn any awards? Would you like us to email a score to you? There is not a single person on the top 50 that did not cheat