Football Runner Week 13 Results

Yes, it is pretty obvious there is copious amounts of manipulation. I would say most people know this but, what can you do once identified? Nothing.

I dont get it kick them out it obvious who it is. Bovada has al this information. So they can. I can literally name everyone thats not legit and i will be right. Like i have been before nothing but first plave really doesn’t matter that much anyways. I wish one of these people would call me out but they wont like rogdog.

Yes it looks kind of like week 1 when I cracked top 5 with like 585k

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Lol right I literally about to Crack like in the 750 range and I see like are 4 yellow in front of me and it’s just cut off quick. And 700 750 were practice runs to me before. I feel like it’s turning into them almost picking first. The pattern are just to obvious and I should of won like 3 times and didn’t so I feel like I should at least get 1st one more time for sure if I earn it. I feel like though I can play all day and don’t miss and not even come close to 8200 the jkards put his score in the last hr. That’s the part I get upset at if I am wasting my time and no Matter what won’t get first. Hopefully not but we will see if this pattern continues. I will literally post a video of me playing and you guys would be like holy shit and I have only came first once buy yet top 3 are 5 everywhere don’t make sense. It what it is just so much time wasted though which is money.

Bovada is the culprit my man…… “the house always wins”

Hopefully tomorrow they have results

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Well i know this but really these supposed to be a multi- million dollar company. I just think something going on right now. Obviously no one really winning in slots some but mostly nothing. I mean its beyond obvious its them are a hacker but they are ignoring these obvious patterns there literally the easiest to spot. Yet they paid the guy that screwed me now he does not even play. i mean this pattern been going on for awhile. Jkards now he just whats gets first last hr like ZOGDOG . . I mean i appreciate the comp but i rather have my time back trying to chase first when someone hopes on and takes 2 min to win.I really hope allied gets paid but he wont. Watch guys going forward these random accounts will be first maybe play twice at most. Hopefully we get our prizes soon though and not wasting time chasing first. I really appreciate the comp but i just want it done right when jkards won the comp all of sudden went offline. There 10 more things i can say to show first is not random most times. Hopefully they fix if so it is fair. The most thing i want is are prizes though hopefully they make it up since whats been going on with waiting so long last week.

you know what i do… if in the first few seconds i get nothing but litecoins, I just reset cuz makes no sense to keep going if all you get are 5000 pts… if i could only get a good hour or two to play… i only have enough time to play about30 min worth every 2 -3 days

Yea i get. I have plenty of time to play at this moment with healing. Plus very painful procees the whole surgery luckly the recovery going good. Anyways yea i sometimes do that especially this week with the coins being so little.

@James anyway we can get those prizes today would greatly be appreciated.

825 nice score. Now i guess i have to get back to work, need that good run.

I wonder if it’s gonna be like last week and get the prizes at the last second cause of the cheaters

Have the CM even been online today? If not odds are Monday

Weird, 825000. Just enough to win, but not look suspicious.

Tbh I was the one that had 99,999,999 points. But I swear I did nothing to the account. Someone else had done it to my account and idk who could have done anything to it bc nobody logged in. Idk how to prove this other than I am currently “YouDumbThot” on the leaderboard with 595k points i believe if I am even still on there. That being said. I do not think the “cheaters” even did what looks like cheating. I am not sure how the points were given like that.

he’s always posting scores around there so I guess he got it going again this week

@Mjuncker are talking to me because i got 825 lol. How is that wired i am always in the top 5 everyweek. I only been first once which i was also hacked that week also which is crazy because i have been cheated out so many times in this comp for first place in the last hr like someone thats posting that broke the record but dont play ZOGDOG i am sorry that really bothers me. I know that score was not real. You dont even play. It took me forever to get that 825000 this week i have gotten so good at this game because like i said a million times i had major back surgery so i could not move for awhile. I mean jesus dont you read the comments i bitch all the time. I get high scores all the time unlike the winner that just appaer and win all of a sudden and dissappear then make a new name its the same pattern eveyother week. Hopefully bovada fix this so the can tell whats up. I played hrs and hrs to get that score so yes it not easy to get again if you read comments i just said how hard it is to get a high score this week. 820 by jkards won last week which is another new name with the previous winners dissappearing i wonder who jkards is lol i know exactly what account is not real. Yes most likely i should win this week with this score but again been ripped off almost 3000 total by this guy which is p.o.s. i have 2 kids and a wife and its Christmas what kind of person does that a shitty one. Some will most likely pass in the last couple hrs it happens almost everytime. I just hope James will pay attention to first this week all i ask if its fair thats it. James no my scores are real trust me he sees how much i play on there side. Plus i would of been first more then one dame time. If anyone wants to know who is not a real account ask me. No one probably even looks back at pass winners and look at patterns thats ehy i hate ignorant comments.

Bro is fluent in yapanese

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Lol really so funny. Yes auto corrected but you got to make a stupid comment before i get to fix it.

Its funny how ill i do is stick up for this comp and you guys but yet no respect back. Thats tells me your only out for yourselves. You see me trying to get allied the win this week and try to make this fair. Thats why bovada get to treat you like there daddy. Thats why this community is like this because everyone turns agaist instead of pointing out obvious stuff. I try to uplift honest people and even do free comps to try to get the community together.